Session type: 20 minute talk
+Mujeres en UX Community: The Design and Co-Creation Process of the First Community of Women Working in UX in Latin America
2019 IA Conference September 23, 2020 Beginner The talk narrates the path of design and construction of the first female UX community in Latin America and how, after co-creation sessions, was defined and started working on 5 mvps that are now the core projects of the community. These are: the monthy meetings, a women in…
Org Design is (Largely) an Information Architecture Challenge
2019 IA Conference March 23, 2019 As my career progressed from practitioner to executive, I found that what I set aside at one point (practicing information architecture) I revisited as I became responsible for organizations. Information architecture is a valuable skill for anyone designing how teams and organizations grow and operate. IA tools such as…
Cliff Notes on my Pursuit of Reinvention – 11 Years in 20 Minutes
2019 IA Conference September 23, 2020 Reinvention is a necessity for longevity. The 11 years spent as a designer, as well as the years spent in school, have been an extended exercise in reimagining myself at each company I’ve been employed as well as each role. Your growth as a creative professional lives at the…
Conversations with Robots – Voice, Smart Agents, and the Case for Structured Content
2019 IA Conference March 23, 2019 In late 2016, Gartner predicted that “by 2020, 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen.” Comscore likewise predicted that by 2020 “half of all searches will be voice searches.” Though there’s recent evidence to suggest that the 2020 picture may be more complicated than these…
Designing Against Domestic Violence
2019 IA Conference September 23, 2020 The reality of domestic violence doesn’t disappear when people enter the digital world. How can we as technologists ensure that our products aren’t used for abuse? This talk will explore how to consider the reality of violence, recognize intervention points, and advocate for user safety. Eva PenzeyMoog