Session type: 20 minute talk
Stop Being a Designer: What We Can Learn from Comic Book Creation for Better Collaboration
2019 IA Conference March 23, 2019 User experience professionals want to be part of the product, business and experience conversation early and often. How can we truly collaborate to solve more than just design problems and make an impact? Stop being Designers and start collaborating like comic book creators. We need to connect with our…
Shared Content in the Real World: Lessons from
2019 IA Conference March 23, 2019 Single-source content — write once, publish anywhere! — is the dream of many digital publishing teams. It’s particularly challenging on “”archipelago”” projects where different departments, business units, agencies, or teams each own intertwingled portions of an organization’s content. As part a the replatforming project for the State of Georgia’s…
What We Talk About When We Talk About Navigation
2019 IA Conference March 22, 2019 Much of what information architecture practice is expected to figure out is “the navigation.” But what if we’ve been oversimplifying the way we discuss, design, and deliver navigation — and what if that’s been the source of later pain for users and organizations for a really long time? This…
Lost in Translation: Finding Gateways Between Markets
2019 IA Conference March 23, 2019 Taxonomies are almost always built for specific domains. Can a taxonomy built for a particular market in one language be transposed onto another and retain its value? This presentation will consider the intricacies of translating an occupational taxonomy into different markets and different languages. Is the Spanish job title…
Data through Time and Space: A Case Study in Designing for Event-Based Linked-Data
2019 IA Conference March 22, 2019 There is a lot to think about when redesigning any application, but what if your application was a 30-year-old project to transcribe over a hundred years worth of art sales receipts? What if you want to connect these receipts to the people, places, and objects they describe? How do…