If you say “we’re integrating LLMs” one more time so help me I’m going to turn this car around
Main Conference Talk
Data, Metadata, and the Ship of Theseus: Ontology Modeling Concepts to Help You Diagnose IA Issues
Data, Metadata, and the Ship of Theseus: Ontology Modeling Concepts to Help You Diagnose IA Issues
(Imperfect) Architecture for Perfectionists
(Imperfect) Architecture for Perfectionists
Beware of Glorbo: A Use Case and Survey of the Fight Against LLMs Disseminating Misinformation
Beware of Glorbo: A Use Case and Survey of the Fight Against LLMs Disseminating Misinformation
Clothing sizes: A L/34W/EU 50 problem
Clothing sizes: A L/34W/EU 50 problem