Workshop type: Online workshop
Effective Human-Machine Conversation
2020 IA Conference May 14, 2020 Like any other designed outcome, good conversational experiences don’t happen by accident. Whether you’e augmenting your skills or shifting your career toward voice apps and chatbots, you’ll need additional tools, abilities, and product methods. Come dive deep into the new world. Conversational interfaces are powered and constrained by hard-…
Courageous Coaching and Forthright Feedback: Improving your Leadership Practice by Doing Both
April 10, 2020 Jenny Shirey
Planning for Strategic Design
2020 IA Conference May 12, 2020 In response to a manager’s query about how to plan products, Alan Kay famously remarked “the best way to predict the future is to invent it.” His answer invokes a paradox at the heart of design: we can’t know the future, yet it’s what we design for. If we…