Online workshop
Effective Human-Machine Conversation
IAC 2020
May 14, 2020
Like any other designed outcome, good conversational experiences don’t happen by accident. Whether you'e augmenting your skills or shifting your career toward voice apps and chatbots, you'll need additional tools, abilities, and product methods. Come dive deep into the new world. Conversational interfaces are powered and constrained by hard- wired psychological, linguistic, and environmental boundaries that make even state-of-the-art conversational technologies a challenge to implement successfully. Mapping out and structuring…
Courageous Coaching and Forthright Feedback: Improving your Leadership Practice by Doing Both
April 10, 2020
Sense-Making, Search Systems, & Site Optimization
IAC 2020
May 14, 2020
When people want to locate and discover information, they can simply type keywords into a search engine (not only Google) and select items from the first page of search results, right? This is the current mental model of how search/retrieval works for most users of all ages. Sense-making is a searcher behavior that information architects, user experience (UX) and usability pros should not ignore. Search listings not only should make…
Practical Large Scale Content Analysis
IAC 2020
May 12, 2020
IAs, content strategists, and UXers responsible for designing the digital experiences that support large content collections have long used spreadsheets to understand, refine, and revise content data. Most of us, however, have never had any formal training in how to effectively use spreadsheets as content analysis tools. This workshop helps participants move beyond using spreadsheets merely as glorified tables and gives them the tools they need to use them as…