
Practical Large Scale Content Analysis

May 12, 2020
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Workshop Cost:
$149 USD

IAs, content strategists, and UXers responsible for designing the digital experiences that support large content collections have long used spreadsheets to understand, refine, and revise content data. Most of us, however, have never had any formal training in how to effectively use spreadsheets as content analysis tools. This workshop helps participants move beyond using spreadsheets merely as glorified tables and gives them the tools they need to use them as the powerful and ubiquitous data manipulation engines they are.

Workshop Outline

  • Introduction: Understanding content as data
  • Content Data Grooming & Hygiene: Healthy data is useful data
  • Content Inventories: Introduction and basic technique
  • Content Audits: Introduction and basic technique
  • Advanced Analysis with Pivot Tables: Introduction to pivot concept, learn to “pivot” data at key points in Inventory and Audit examples to generate new insight.
  • Putting It All Together: Problem solving strategies for applying core data principles everywhere
