Helping ideas emerge out of complexity: An IA conversation
The world around us is so complex! Whether it is the plethora of voices competing in our online communities, uncertainty and changes in our work environments, impacts of environmental change, international conflicts and politics, or trying to corral the unleashed AI puppy to help it grow up in a better-behaved way—IAs can (and should) apply our methods and skills to address complexity.
In this talk, two seasoned IAs will engage in a dynamic conversation to explore how IAs can use a range of techniques to assist in change, encourage novel ideas to emerge from narratives, and help our clients and colleagues consider design implications. Our interest in complexity is based on committing ourselves to analysis, modeling and design of information spaces that help people respond to challenging change-driven environments. We will encourage the IA community to turn down complexity’s temperature within and around us by increasing understanding, becoming sensitive to emerging ideas, and actively contributing insights, even in situations that seem overwhelming. Our conversation is approachable, even if you’ve not explored this topic before.