
Narrative-Driven IA: Designing Connections To Enhance User Experiences

May 2, 2025
9:15 AM – 9:45 AM EST

Track 2

Stories, composed of events linked by cause and effect, guide people through complex environments with intention and purpose. By applying storytelling frameworks like Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and Dan Harmon’s Story Circle to Information Architecture (IA), information professionals can craft user journeys that resonate emotionally and address modern digital complexities.

This session introduces a narrative-based IA framework that reframes user journeys as story arcs, placing users as protagonists navigating challenges, touchpoints, and opportunities. By integrating storytelling elements—characters, plot, conflict, and resolution—we can design experiences that meet human needs.

With real-world examples, attendees will explore how storytelling transforms IA and learn how to use narrative tools to create meaningful experiences.
