Have you ever wondered what goes into the planning of an IA conference? Join co-chairs Erin Malone, Nathan Rogers, Nelle Polansky, and Ren Pope for a conversation about the behind the scenes work that made IAC22 possible. Bring any questions you have about the process of choosing a theme, why we chose to go virtual, or other topics that you are curious about.
We will meeting in the Auditorium space for the Fireside Chat. Afterwards we will be doing tours of Gather, so stick around to [re]connect. Pardon the dust though as we put the finishing touches on the space for next week.
Attendance is free for all registered IAC22 attendees and workshop participants.
Erin Malone is principal at Experience Matters Design, specializing in designing systems, complex tools, user research and social interfaces and is currently working with the ADL’s Center for Technology and Society working on research and tools to help mitigate hate in online social spaces.
She has spearheaded the ADL Social Pattern Library, which provides interaction design patterns & research for interface design recommendations to mitigate hate, harassment and misinformation. She is currently working on a book about women in Interaction Design to be published by MIT Press in spring 2024 and is the co-author of the book Designing Social Interfaces, 2nd and 1st editions, published by O’Reilly Media. She holds a BFA in Communication Design from East Carolina University and an MFA in Graphic Design from Rochester Institute of Technology.
Nathan Rogers has a passion for making order of out chaos using Post It notes, sketchnotes, and interactive prototypes . When not delving into metadata, taxonomies, and the world of linked data this librarian enjoys relaxing by bicycling, exploring the world of craft beer, and untangling the mysteries of James Joyce and is happy to talk at length about any (or all three).
Nelle Polansky is an undergrad at the University of North Texas working on a double major in History and Integrative Studies with fields in Art History, Anthropology, and English, and a Minor in Classical Studies. A member of the UNT President’s list, She plans on pursuing a masters of Museum Studies and has been volunteering at conferences and events for UX and IA since 2012. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her cat, cooking, drawing, painting, music, and reading.