
Claudette Hobbart

Professional headshot of Claudette Hobbart, smiling, wearing a black t-shirt, with a city scape background.

Claudette is a seasoned technical content leader on an ongoing mission to make content easier to find, navigate & understand. She has worked on technical documentation, SEO & data analytics teams to get a wider understanding of different aspects of technical content. She currently works as a director, leading cross-functional content & data initiatives. There’s nothing she loves more than solving a good puzzle, whether it be a metaphorical puzzle (such as how to solve a really thorny content problem), a jigsaw puzzle (1000 pieces minimum), or the New York Times daily word puzzles (Wordle, Spelling Bee, Strands). She lives with her husband, daughter & dog. Respectively, they are smart, incredibly smart & dumb as a box of rocks. All of them are adorable.

Workshops and Sessions