(Re)Architecting a Community
April 22, 2022
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Behind every community is a great planner — said by a great information architect somewhere. Acknowledging the transition of change, the global board behind World IA Day shares its story of continuity and perseverance amidst ambiguity to [re]charge the community. In its journey to (re)defining WIAD as an org vs an annual event, World IA Day presents its process through:
- (re)structuring the org as a nonprofit
- (re)connecting through listening/user research, workshops, interviews, surveys
- (re)fining definition of a community
- (re)visiting “What is Information Architecture?”
The global board behind World IA Day demonstrates how information architecture practices are used to [re]define and [re]connect a community through communication, transition, and organization.