IAC 2021
You’ve protested. You’ve made public statements to do better. After nearly a year, are you still asking, “What now?” Learn how companies can start to fulfill their promises today to create social changes and a more diverse UX design workforce.
As UX practitioners we pride ourselves on human-centered design, but do we really practice what we preach when statistics continually reflect a staggering lack of diversity? And, does our work reflect biases that exist in ourselves and our companies? If so, how to we move toward positive changes?
The information presented here will be a conversation starter to help you start, if conversations and actions have stalled. It will also provide observations and checklists to help you iterate toward making a difference.
Clifton Simmons is a senior content strategist for Allstate UX design, focusing on claim services. For over 20 years, Clifton worked as an experiential marketing copywriter for Detroit and Chicago ad agencies, specializing in digital and event marketing experiences. His client list included Chevy, Chrysler, Coke, McDonald’s, USAA and more. To him, it all felt like the training ground for his career in UX design. In addition to Allstate, Clifton brings UX design to future professionals as a volunteer mentor for various organizations and as a mentor/instructor for the UX bootcamp Thinkful.