
Domain Modeling for Digital Information Designers

March 28, 2023
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Acadian II
Workshop Cost:
$675 USD

As Information Architects, we get called into projects to structure, organize, and optimize complex information systems to meet business and user goals. All too often, however, these systems are plagued by unwritten assumptions and tacit rules. Domain Modeling is an activity designed to uncover and create a shared vision of the conceptual information space—the “”Domain”—in which an organization and its users operate.

This full day, hands-on workshop will situate domain modeling in IA project contexts and interactively walk participants through two equally important domain modeling phases: identifying, defining, and validating the core concepts in the subject domain in question, and then mapping and validating the principal relationships between those concepts. We’ll close the session with a discussion of putting domain models into action and using them to drive and align project activities and outcomes.
