
Creating a Gateway for Purposeful Privacy Design

March 24, 2019
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

“People have really gotten comfortable not only sharing more information and different kinds, but more openly and with more people. That social norm is just something that has evolved over time.” –Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO

As information architects and designers, privacy is part of the legacy we will pass down to future generations through the systems we build today. We influence social norms on what personal information can be (or should be) shared by whom, when, how, and for what purpose. Therefore, we have an ethical responsibility to make these privacy design decisions purposefully and based on evidence. In our talk, we will build the case for why we need a gateway that deliberately bridges the gap between academic research and design practice as it relates to end user privacy in social technologies. Dr. Jen Romano Bergstrom, President of UXPA and Director of User Experience at Bridgewater Associates, will give an industry-based perspective of the importance of privacy to the fields of information architecture and design based on her own experience and on recent news media events (e.g., Cambridge Analytica, 23andMe, GDPR). Drs. Xinru Page and Pamela Wisniewski, two privacy researchers from the Human-Computer Interaction academic community, will present an overview of relevant research from their field that connect to these recent events. They will engage with the audience on how we might work together to create this gateway in a collective effort to respect end users’ privacy and promote a sense of joint social responsibility across industry and academia.
