
Chief Information Architect

April 22, 2022
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Years ago, when I was working for one of my product mentors, Matte Scheinker, in an attempt to reboot AOL surprised that we didn’t have any information architects on staff, as it wasn’t even a job title in the HR system anymore. He turned to me and asked, “Well, how many IAs does a company need?” So I thought about that question before answering and then said, “At least one.”

This got me thinking that somebody in the company needs to be the chief information architect to do the hard work of mapping the problem/opportunity space and the meaning and purpose of the product in that larger system.

This talk will share how a major component of product leadership requires the skills of a senior information architect, and explains how you can leverage these proficiencies to find your way into the C-Suite.

Systems thinking, product architecture, org design, roadmapping, and design ops all lean heavily on the IA skillset. Learn how to make a case for information architecture in all of those contexts, as you demonstrate your readiness to lead.
