
2023 Keynote: Carrie Hane

April 1, 2023
9:30 AM – 10:15 AM
A / La Salle A

We are IAs and We Matter

We live in the information age. Never before has the need for design, construction, and organization of information been greater. Never before has humankind needed people who think deeply about planning and designing information to make sense to other people.

That’s where you come in. Whether you have the title “information architect” or not, you are responsible for creating systems of organization, classification, labeling, and structure. Whether you know it or not, if you are involved in making digital information spaces you play the IA role. And that matters. Your voice matters. You matter.

Let’s celebrate IA and IAs and being able to come together in community. Let’s pat each other on the back. Then let’s get back to work and make sense of all those messes.
