Now more than ever it is crucial to bring other voices into the design process. This is especially true for information architecture, which is becoming increasingly abstract as we design structures for digital products and algorithms for unpredictable information spaces. The design process thrives on engaging multiple perspectives, and one of the best ways to do this is through collaborative workshops.
In this talk, we’ll look at three workshop activities you can use to draw other stakeholders into the IA process. Rapid personas is a mad-libs approach to personas to put workshop participants in the right mindset. Requirements on a scale is a voting activity that encourages the team to talk about trade-offs and compromises in designing navigation. Finally, build the nav is a group brainstorming activity to define the purpose of navigation.
At the end, we’ll zoom out and talk about how these activities illustrate essential principles for bringing others into the IA process.
About the speaker(s)
Together with Nathan Curtis, Dan Brown founded EightShapes in 2006. Though specializing in information architecture, user research, and design discovery, Dan’s career spans most aspects of UX design.
Dan wrote three books on the practice of user experience, including Communicating Design, widely considered essential to the UX canon. He writes articles on the messier side of design, speaks widely on discovery and collaboration, and occasionally creates decks of cards to help teams work on their issues. More at