
Under(standing) the Influence: placemaking and sensemaking in IA work

April 21, 2022
12:30 PM – 1:00 PM

After practicing information architecture for a combined 42 years, the presenters are only now coming to understand the ways that placemaking and sensemaking influence each other in the work we do.

Placemaking is the process of creating meaningful places that people want to live, work, play, and learn in. Sensemaking is the process we use to decide what things do, could or should mean. These concepts seem inextricably intertwingled with each other, but like every other set of concepts in the world, there’s an information architecture here!

In this new talk Abby Covert and Dan Klyn start to make sense of the mess that is “Placemaking Slash Sensemaking” through the introduction of a model to describe the flow of influence from placemaking to sensemaking (and back again!), and share a framework of four “skill families” that address placemaking and sensemaking in information architecture work
