
Moving information across boundaries; using Information Theory in Information Architecture

March 30, 2023
1:45 PM – 2:45 PM
A / La Salle A

It takes effort to cross boundaries

The primary goal of Information Architecture is moving information across boundaries: From one place to another, from one person to another. Boundaries can be created by distance, culture, language or experience. Systems, workflows, organizations, or interfaces also present boundaries, each with its own set of challenges that need to be addressed.

Understanding the information, senders, receivers, and technology allows IAs to mitigate the friction or entropy that each boundary represents. The better this understanding the more effective we are at bridging informational barriers.

Using many of the core concepts of Claude Shannon’s Information Theory, Marcia Bates work, and experience with a wide range of projects, this presentation will unpack real-world examples of the power of Information Architecture to bridge barriers between people and information and provide a framework for defining and then crossing boundaries.