Leave a Trail of Breadcrumbs: Designing Navigation with Customer Intentions
As IAs we’re fond of taking the “human-centered” approach, which involves bringing in the human perspective to all steps of the problem-solving process. Whether we are talking to customers or co-creating solutions with users, this frame of mind allows us to bring forth products and services that serve human needs and goals.
The thing is, the understanding two humans can reach in a matter of minutes is tough to replicate in digital products. No matter what any AI expert says, no commercial technology that exists today can substitute having a conversation with another human. And, no matter how human-centered we get, we’re still designing for bits and pixels. Digital products are still digital.
However, we IAs aim to design these digital places to meet human needs, goals, and motivations. The question we often ask ourselves is, can we make the digital worlds we design more human spaces?
The answer we’ve come up with is that we need to design experiences where the digital spaces shapeshift to approximate an in-person conversation to the best of their abilities (and without a chatbot) given the limitations of the medium. We need to think about navigation differently. Most importantly, we need to design for customer intentions.
In this session, Lis & Diana will cover why designing for customer intentions throughout your digital ecosystem empowers your team to build a bridge between what customers need and what your business provides. We’ll then dive into the details of how to use the method.
You’ll leave with an expanded perspective and a new tool for your IA toolbox.
Come ready to dive in!
Sessions will be recorded and made available to registered attendees.
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