
Poster Night

April 21, 2022
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Poster Hall

Join fellow registered IACers on Gather for Poster Night! Much like a science fair for IAs, you can interact with presenters as you browse the virtual poster hall of presentations on a diverse range of topics relevant and related to information architecture. Have one-on-one conversations, gather as a group and discuss, or simply soak in the content, all while you mingle with other attendees.

Poster topics and presenters will be announced prior to the start of the conference. Posters remain on display following their debut, through the duration of the conference.

Poster Night Presenters

Andrew Shum
Anita Cheng: Making sense of a public health order
Bibiana Nunes: Using Thinking Styles in our design strategy
Christopher Rackley
Dan Brown
Elizabeth Thapliyal
Erin Malone: Women of IXD: An Incomplete Map of Connections
Grace Lau
Indi Young
Jana Thompson: Mira: Considerations for IA in conversational agents
Jason Mesut: Shaping Design
Karen Lin
Kunyi Mangalam
Marc Majers
Miguel Castillo: Using IA and research to Understand and Recharge the IA Community
Patrice Johnson
Todd Packer
Wendy Marques