Biomimicry is abuzz with this talk, as we explore collaborative sensemaking through the lens of the honey bee. To confront the truly wicked and complex challenges of our time, we need to embrace collaborative sensemaking and wayfinding. This requires sensemaking at scale, radical collaboration, and meaning-making conversations. While this sounds daunting, we can learn some simple and powerful lessons from the honey bee. Complex problems don’t yield to previous best practices, yet can be managed by guiding principles. We’ll explore some of those principles in this honey of a talk.
Matt Arnold serves as Principal, Services Strategies and Solutions at Brightidea. He has over 25 years of experience leading innovation and design projects with many of the world’s top brands. Matt loves to nerd out about design, sensemaking, and collaboration. He was the creator and host of The Iowa Idea Podcast which explored stories of creativity, craft, and innovation. Matt earned a BA in Communication Studies from The University of Iowa and an MS in Communication from Illinois State University.