
Su-san Koch

Su-san Koch

Lead Information Architect @2RowFlow, Citizen Developer, Miso-Wize app, Artist, UX Designer, Living Systems, #buildinpublic

Greetings, my first name, Susan, means water lily. By adding in a dash, my name is altered to mean the system user is honoured or su_san. I attended the IAConference in 2017 and took up the challenge from Allan Cooper, author of The Inmates are Running the Asylum, on the question of ethics around who you work for and why… As a result, I began a project of my own, choosing what has been the most contentious issue in Canada for the last 150 years: that of Settler relations with First Peoples, as a focal point. My intent is to design a cultural commons space that helps make sense of Treaty Relationships on Turtle Island. After expanding outwards across Turtle Island on issues that were social, economic and political in nature, the global pandemic forced me inward to reflect on the issue of health & wellness. I am now creating an app about my commoner take on The Myth of Long Life in the Time of Sickness and Death. The app is called Miso-Wize . Please join me on Poster Night for a look see. I welcome your feedback on my progress so far!