
Madonnalisa Chan

Madonnalisa Chan
Career Advisor, Group Mentor, and Speaker

I am a Director of Product Management for content and taxonomy services at a B2B CRM SaaS Fortune 500 company. Previous to going back in-house, I worked close to 20 years as a consultant helping clients in cross-functional teams build innovative products in fast-paced environments and achieve measurable results.

My goal with every project is to invest in the people I’m working with and act as a bridge between groups, both to facilitate communication within teams and to provide strategic solutions, not only for the project at hand, but also for the business at large. I’m a strong believer in participating in community to learn, grow, and share what I’ve learned. I’ve been involved with previous ASIST-IA Summits, ACM, and helped found the IA Institute and Boxes and Arrows to further the practice and discipline of Information Architecture.